Friday, May 07, 2004

van helsing (first times are really memorable)

Van Helsing (B-)
Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale

SINOP-SIS!!! Dracula is back in the big screen, this time sought by the gutsy combatant sent by the Order of the Pink Dressed Friars from Vatican…. The plucky warrior is Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman), who besides the fact that he loves slaughtering monsters, a catholic and has a humor of a jock is a man looking for his befuddled past, which by the way will remain to be baffled…. Together with his newfound love he’s bound to protect (this is so atypical), they stop Dracula from the menace he’s about to instigate to the people of Transylvania.
I was not looking forward to seeing this film… because after seeing the trailer, I knew that it would bring nothing but sheer disappointment, I was not lock, stock and barrel right but I’m not left….
I mean wrong….
It was a visually enjoying film… plot wise, it was very interesting… it’s the first time you’ll see Dracula, Frankenstein and Mr. Hyde in one movie (at least for me), but as gripping as it may seem in the beginning, it’ll slowly lose it’s audience in the duration of the movie.
It was on the verge of becoming a horrendous movie, the dialogues are cheesy, the editing has lapses, and the visual effects are not as clean as you expect them to be. The cinematography was good but the photography is abysmal, I had a glimpse of the boom mike more than twice. The sound is not good enough. At some points, the movie makes a riveting comeback but it cannot sustain it…. It goes back to being slow, absurd and perplexing.
Jackman gave an okay performance, there’s nothing really much to work at since the script did not delve into his character, same goes with Kate Beckinsale who I saw last clashing with the werewolves in Underworld, now she’s skirmishing the vampires, talk about sudden change of heart.
Watching this movie with your friends will be good because making noise will not be much of a disturbance, because there’s nothing much to listen or pay attention to.
The funny thing about this movie is that the concept of when a man shifts into a monster of some sort, the clothing they wore remained intact, or the pants becomes shorts. With today’s technology, I strongly believed that a brave director can rise above the challenge of making such change believable and not another knock-knack you can laugh at, I did not see that valor in this movie.
Is it worth the money? Missing it will not be your lost. They should have given me their $200M budget, and I would have made the film of all films… and run this county.

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