Sunday, March 20, 2005

Girl with the Pearl Earring --- puts the art in art film

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Girl with the Pearl Earring (A)
Scarlett Johansson, Colin Firth, Tom Wilkinson, Judy Parfitt, Cillian Murphy, Essie Davis
Peter Webber
Based on the novel:
“Girl with a Pearl Earring” by Tracy Chevalier
Olivia Hetreed
Editor / Music:
Kate Evans / Alexandre Desplat
Design / Photography:
Ben Van Os / Eduardo Serra
Andy Paterson
Lions Gate Films

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“Beauty inspires obsession”

Weird cuz I did find this movie lovely but I am not quite fanatical. The film is based from the novel of the same title by Tracy Chevalier, which is merely a speculation of the history of a painting of the same name. As you would have guessed, I haven’t read the book and I definitely haven’t seen the painting or in case I did, just didn’t pay much attention to it.

FYI The painting known as Girl with the Pearl Earring is known as the Mona Lisa of the North. Believe me, I would love to expound but I don’t know my directions either. Unlike Mona Lisa, the woman in the painting is not smiling nor forcing a smile (depends on what you’re parents told you). Her lips are a little open and she’s sporting a blue scarf around her head. And of course, she’s wearing the pearl earring. I don’t exactly know how much reality there is to the speculation made my Tracy but I would love to believe that it is the story.

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Those who have read the book may not be as elated by the story since it’s nothing new for them but it was for me. I completely fell into the trap of this uniquely sexually restrained movie. It’s an art film alright, but without any nudity. Now who ever said that art film is merely a euphemism for soft-porn, here’s the answer—it’s not!!! This film proved it once and for all. There was a little sex scene but it was very light and the rest were steamy non-verbal and non-physical actions.

The movie is about Griet (Johansson), a 16-year old lass who because of their family’s unfavorable fate was forced to work as a maid for the house of Johannes Vermeer (Firth). The girl discovers the oddity and the beauty of the world of his master and the reality of the life he lives in. Aside of course from the fact that Colin looked like a rockstar with his grungy hair. He is somewhat controlled by his patron van Ruijven (Wilkinson) who fancied Griet. As their intimacy gets stronger, the people around started to suspect. Speculation of their relationship emerged and people are not happy about it, especially Catharina (Davis), the always preganant wife of Jan. Which brings me to the weirdness and strength of this movie. Obviously, due to the fact that his wife gets pregnant all the time, he surely shouldn't be able to restrain himself from getting into Griet's pants but he was able to. He found orgasm in combining colors with her. Who said sex is the best thing on earth?

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The master painter faced a tough challenge as the patron asked him to portrait Griet and due to the fact that his family relies on his commission he finds a way to portrait her with that accessory that highlights the entire affair. Since all of it transpired in the mid 17th century, people during these times were supposed to be regarded as sexual addicts, it was shown in the pub scene. People should also be more disciplined and that you won't see, instead, you will be a witness one of the henious crimes ever committed by a human being --- throw his garbage on the riverbanks. Tsk.Tsk. I thought the Filipinos has the patent on that sorta thing? And man, if you think markets in the Philippines are too gross for reality, see how they sell pig meat in this movie. I'm pretty sure you'll find it very appetizing.

Reading it now, it doesn't seem to convincing. But it's very simple yet very elegant. Something one rarely see nowadays. The script was not overdone, arguably a little underdone but it works fine for me. It was engaging enough and the message was conveyed pretty clearly. And for a celebrated novel, I didn’t hear no complains about it. There is drama in this movie but not too intense to become a soap opera it was very subtle and peaceful. The tension was there but it was serene. I didn’t feel that it was forced in any way and that I greatly admire.

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The characters were nicely developed. Although I thought Cornelia (the evil/savior daughter of the Vermeer’s) needs a little more. But besides that, I’m totally fine with it. I found them all very real.

A surprise for me from this film was Colin Firth’s performance. Man, he’s barely recognizable. This is the best I’ve seen him. I never thought he could be anything more than a second-rate Hugh Grant. I am not a fan of Scarlett Johannson in fact, I loathe her for reasons even to me have not been disclosed. Her work in this movie is fantastic. Definitely far from her tedious portrayal in American rhapsody. She captured the entirety of the character especially in the parts where she shows weakness and vulnerability. The flawless Wilkinson did another fantastic job and so did every one else.

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But what completely highlighted this movie, were the amazing visuals. It’s been awhile since I saw the cinematography, art design, costume and make-up blend so well. Each of these complemented each other and with the haunting score, it made it seem oh so perfect. That totally caught me off guard.

The movie gives a distinctive taste of film, something that does not involve intense sex scenes to put an exclamation point. Just the mere stares and movements give everything you need to know. If simplicity is really beauty, then this might as well be the proof.

Criteria for judging:
Story – 18%
Screenplay – 18%
Direction / Execution – 18%
Acting – 18%
Technical Aspect – 19%
Total: 91% = A

4 rant/rave:

Blogger lilintian can't stop him/herself from saying...

I've been meaning to watch this movie since last year sa euro film fest (if am not mistaken). may dvd sa bahay pero wala namang player. haaay...

8:52 AM  
Blogger riddler can't stop him/herself from saying...

ah okie... i stumble on it the lastt ime i went to quiapo.... hehe.... bad ko no? i truly wanted to see it din kasi eh... hav u read the book? i haven't....

1:26 PM  
Blogger Carnaval can't stop him/herself from saying...

ah! girl with a pearl earring! the favorite book of all time! if you had been seduced by the film, mas lalo na if you had read it! actually, the painting has many names, from the art book which i've perused three years before (right after i finished chevalier's novel) , it was entitled 'girl in or (was it with) a yellow turban. according to historians, the model was probably one of jan vermeer's daughters. aside from the seductive moments griet and vermeer had in the studio, what i also liked so much about the film is how it proved to people that vermeer is really a master of light. it's evident in his paintings. the movie would have been better, medyo nakulangan pako sa emotions but okay na rin. the 103 peso worth of ticket i paid for was worth it. =]

5:34 PM  
Blogger riddler can't stop him/herself from saying...

wow... u really like this one ha??? wahehehe.... lend me the book so for me to find out what's more seducing... wahehe....

6:01 AM  

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